My work - Roll Poster - Casa Mas

Casa Mas roll poster for Alimentaria
A work for Comunica'm

Bath Infinity

dresses for my girl?

They are so cute and lovely?
Another present for my girl?
Etsy shop here

Cuadernos Núm 4

Destinat a parlar sobre Premis, concursos, exposicions i altres.
Els participants són: Pati Nuñez, David Ruiz, Enric Aguilera i Lluis Morillas.
M'ha aportat noves idees per obrir nous mercats de negoci!
El podeu comprar aquí

Recipe Kits

Kyoto, Japan
Pattaya, Thailand
Beirut, Lebanon

Found it sooo funny!
Can find more destinations here

little birds

I posted about this jewels some months ago, but I can resist it!
It's sooooo cute!
Etsy shop here

i el nom guanyador és...

Alícia! ;)
Ho sento per tots els que volieu Elena,
però al final ens hem decantat per Alícia!

A's room!

Have to come and see it, it's soooooo nice! ;)

Tulipans a la terrassa! (3)

La ventolada no els ha anat molt bé,
però estan espectaculars!

Super Furry Animals

It made me laugh ;)
Can find more posters from Dan Stiles here

mexico wedding

So funny!
Designed by Federico Jordan

Si tens...

"With the name of the "Trementinaires" they were known in the rural Catalonia (Spain) of the 19th century, a group of field women who were visiting villages and farmhouses recovering from children, pregnant women or grandparents, to cows, goats or porks, using plants and oils of herbs.
They were recovering from a sore up to a broken bone. The nerves. The dizziness. A twisting. The headache. A sting. The evil humor. Her knowledge of the plants, her properties and the processes of production of remedies acquired by the oral transmission, made them deserve a reputation that has come to the present day. The project for these infusions packs, is a well-deserved honoring to these wise, brave and adventurous women."

Designed by Xoostudio,
I like the way that they join tradition and originality

My New Istockphotos

Can buy it here
Can buy it here
Can buy it here
Can buy it here

all the photos here

Tulipans a la terrassa! (2)

Fantàstics!!!! ;)

Levi's - Los Ángeles

Poster with all the materials that are in a Levi's 501
Designed by Stefan Sagmeister and Joe Shouldice,
for the American Rag Cie shop in Los Ángeles.

this is getting bigger and bigger!

Sky ad

made me smile!
Agency: 1861 United, Milan

nest chair

So delicate, love the movement of this chair
Designed by Nina Bruun

Volkswagen Fox

Nice ad!

retro city posters

Love all of them!
Designed by The Heads of State, more here