2009-05-29 Burlington i Casa del Lago

LukeEl cotxe de lloguerLa casa del Mike i la Cris a BurlingtonDe camí a la casa del llacEl petitó de la casa, el WilliamEl Javi + Ben & Jerry's! (per cert la fàbrica està aquí!!!)El Luke al jardí a la Casa del Llac!La casa del llacEl Javi i el William

2009-05-28 BCN - NY - Burlington

Mare no podia deixar de fer una foto al primer Wendy's!! ;)
En record dels dinars a l'aeroport.
JFKAvió de NY a Burlington

copa - lliga i CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Som els millors!! Enhorabona a tots


This will be the new logotype for Spanair after selling 80% of the company.
I like the new one, although the old wasn't so bad.
Designed by Morillas Brand Design

Dues - Logotype - Sant Romà

This project was a redesign from an existing logotype, and we had to create a family logotypes that could work together.
The high difficulty was to keep the existing typography and make the logotype look more actual.
The ilustration is also ours!

This is the original logotype


Love the structure, there is only the esence.
By Raw Studio


Typographic mobiles, it's just impressive.
By Ebon Heath

descobriments a habitat

Disposada a rebre qualsevol d'aquests objectes!
Les flors de paper són superxules i el coixí... sense paraules! Mare t'animes a fer-me'n un?
Gràcies per la tarda Edgar!!

smart food

Designed by Hornall Anderson

cuadernos nº3

Cuadernos és un llibret d'unes 150 planes en les que 3 dissenyadors parlen sobre un tema.
En aquest cas, el tema és dissenyar o delegar. Molt apropiat pel meu moment en el que estic a punt de fer el pas!
Són interessants, amb un format molt amè i un disseny molt creatiu (com no podia ser d'un altre manera)
Ja us comentaré com són els altres volums que tinc pendent!

little animals

Nice little animals!

how to move a lighthouse

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

this is origami

"Empty paperbags, containing simple step by step instructions on how to fold the bag into an origami animal, in order to become a sustainable designer toy in paper. The cost of the bag is directed to the WWF to help save the endangered animal and it’s dying population."
The only thing that I don't like is the ilustration... Love the concept!
Designed by Magdalena Czarnecki

hair texture

Nice texture that really looks like hair, it can't not be for anyother than a hairstyle studio.
Designed by Peter Gregson

Cafe Baudelaire's Collages

You can by them on Etsy

Stéphane Massa-Bidal

Like how he play with: spots, transparency, one color, typography and black & white pictures
More here